
Mill Volovec

Retaining and updating integrity


Family Mill Volovec has been working with the same principles since its beginnings. Retaining and updating integrity, maintaining quality working conditions and preserving stable, long term business relationships with all partners.

With prudent and sound business investments and excellent understanding of technology, the mill operates on a very high level, thereby providing high-quality products and high efficiency simultaneously. The business is specialized for gross sales of wheat flour. By understanding the needs and wishes of our partners, we aim to provide a quality service that preserves quality business relationship in the future.



Mill Volovec has over 40 years of tradition. With great effort and dedication Janez and Valerija Volovec began construction of one of the most modern mill facility in 1968. Only a year later the first kilos of wheat had been milled. The mill consisted of “only” 4 grinding machines in its early days, with which they managed to grind from 250 to 300 kg of wheat per hour. With hard and conscientious work, Janez and Valerija had been increasing the reputation and consequently the volume of grinding throughout the years.

The founders left the management of the mill to their son Marijan in 1991, who soon after reconstructed the entire mill, introduced new methods of work and at the same time, set high goals to himself. The mill has now at least ten times the volume of the original and high quality equipment which achieves extraordinary milling results. The company has done business with prominent partners in its more than 40 years long history. Some of the names are: Barilla Italia, Žito, Mlinotest, Droga Kolinska, Jata Emona etc.

The mill nowadays

Mill Volovec has highly efficient technology built in, made from German producer Buhler. All the milling processes are fully automated, so the most efficient use of material, labor and other resources is achieved. The current capacity of the mill is around 2.000 tons of wheat per month. The company owns its means of transportation to ensure prompt and timely delivery to all its customers.

The Mill currently has:

Outdoor silo with capacity of 5000 tons

Indoor silo with capacity of 100 tons

11 roller mills

Indoor silo for flour of 25 tons

Indoor silo for bran of 10 tons


Mill Volovec is specialized in grinding wheat flour which is used by professional businesses. There are different types of flour and bran available for human consumption and feed. The flour can be used for a variety of purposes such as baking daily fresh bread and pastries, cakes, pasta, and all other bakery products.

Our standard offer:


Flour Type 400


Flour Type 500


Flour Type 850


Flour Type 1100


Flour Type 1300




Spelt Flour

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